
I’m Candace Horton, a Professional Development Coach and Consultant who aspires to have and support others in having healthy conversations that promote learning and innovating together. My home is in Missoula, Montana where you can find me enjoying the mountain life of cycling, hiking, and skiing.

I have a background in human resources, coaching, as well as creating and facilitating leadership development programs. View my LinkedIn profile.

After graduating from college and holding five jobs in three years it was time to invest in myself and my career. I read the book What Color is Your Parachute, by Richard Nelson Bollis. Completing the exercises Bollis provides helped identify my natural skills and what I like doing; empathy, listening, helpfulness, and a curiosity to understand why we do what we do.

For the past 30+ years these skills and interests have been at the core of my passion in supporting leaders to unlock their teams’ potential through human-centered leadership.

What is Human-centered Leadership?

Human-centered leadership prioritizes the needs and interests of employees, and recognizes their value as human beings, rather than resources to be managed. This approach focuses on creating a positive, supportive, and engaging work environment which leads to increased employee well-being and satisfaction thus reducing turnover and absenteeism. In addition, human-centered leadership contributes to increased innovation and creativity, as employees feel empowered to share their ideas and take risks.

Ultimately, human-centered leadership helps drive long-term organizational success.

Research supports the importance of human-centered leadership and offers in professional development for all levels of employees.

If you and your organization strive to be human-centered leaders, please explore this site and learn more about how we can work together.